
The Fashion Continent

From catwalks in Lagos to music festivals in Casablanca, and from “image makers” in Marrakech to infl uencers in Johannesburg, a new generation of African creatives—fashion designers, photographers, bloggers, and hair and makeup artists—are redefi ning the continent’s aesthetic grammar. Bold, witty, and rebellious, this young, talented vanguard draws on its heritage in order to revalorize it, while adopting an ultra-modern approach. Their revolution forms part of a continent-wide demand for cultural reappropriation and the invention of a language exclusive to Africa.
This book celebrates the ebullient creativity of a generation that is overturning codes and narratives on the African continent to write a new chapter in fashion—one that is already inspiring the world.
  • Beaux livres - Langue anglaise
  • Paru le 01/12/2021
  • Genre : Mode
  • 240 pages - 250 x 318 mm
  • Couleur - Relié
  • EAN : 9782081513419
  • ISBN : 9782081513419

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