
Antique French Jewelry: 1800-1950

    • Édition dirigée par : Geoffray Riondet
    • Préface : Victoire de Castellane
This indispensable reference to antique French jewelry gives amateur and professional jewelry enthusiasts the knowledge and confidence to:
• recognize and date a piece of antique jewelry
• identify the principal gemstones
• distinguish the major French jewelry designers
• buy and sell antique pieces
• have works appraised

Charting the evolution of French jewelry created between the Consulate period (established by general Napoleon Bonaparte on the cusp of the nineteenth century) and the 1950s, this practical guide defines each era by identifying its hallmark trends, materials, gemstones, main types of jewelry, and historic jewelry houses. Richly illustrated with photographs, drawings, and archival documents, and featuring iconic designs such as the “tank” bracelet, “you-and-me” ring, “négligé” pendant, and Zip necklace, this essential book covers antique French jewelry in all of its scintillating facets.
  • Beaux livres - Langue anglaise
  • Paru le 01/03/2024
  • Genre : Mode
  • 128 pages - 161 x 231 mm
  • Couleur - Relié
  • EAN : 9782080433312
  • ISBN : 9782080433312

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