Nouveauté Rémy Martin

Rémy Martin

Journey into the Heart of a 300-year-old Cognac

In 1724 a young winegrower by the name of Rémy Martin produced his first-ever cognac, never imagining that his name would one day be recognized throughout the world as a symbol of excellence. Three hundred years later however, the Centaur brand still testifies to his success, its reputation patiently forged over generations by bold innovators who rode the waves of change.
This book tells the story of an extraordinary adventure that winds its way from the edges of the Charente River in France to the shores of the Far East and across the Atlantic—three centuries of collective creativity that is still going strong today.
  • Documents, témoignages - Langue anglaise
  • Paru le 29/05/2024
  • Genre : Documents
  • 176 pages - 135 x 208 mm
  • Broché
  • EAN : 9782080448163
  • ISBN : 9782080448163

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