Gum Arabic and its Secrets
Langue anglaise
Acclaimed since Antiquity, today gum Arabic remains an indispensable ingredient in many foodstuffs, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals and wines. Though people encounter it every day and benefit from its many advantages, it remains little known !
Exploring thousands of years of the product’s history and following it from harvesting to its myriad uses, this book tells us all about the precious plant from the Sahel, while the recipes at the end afford us the chance to try out its special powers for ourselves !
Exploring thousands of years of the product’s history and following it from harvesting to its myriad uses, this book tells us all about the precious plant from the Sahel, while the recipes at the end afford us the chance to try out its special powers for ourselves !
- Nature et jardin
- Paru le 03/04/2024
- Genre : Nature
- 208 pages - 247 x 282 mm
- Couleur - Relié
- EAN : 9782080418241
- ISBN : 9782080418241
- Librairies indépendantes
- Librairie Delamain
- Librairie Dialogues
- Librairie Gallimard
- Librairie Hall du livre
- Librairie Kléber
- Librairie Le Divan
- Librairie Mollat
- Librairie Ombres Blanches
- Libraire de Paris
- Librairie Sauramps
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- Site Decitre
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- Site Amazon
- E.Leclerc